About Shampoochie Pet Salon - Holistic Pet Centre

- Holistic Pet Centre
- Singapore
- We strongly believe that our pets should be treated with the same respect for natural living that we give ourselves. A holistic approach to health care for dogs and cats is important for them to live life to its fullest, and for us to get the most out of their company. Call us at 91003489
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Taiwan TV Dog Blog
There is one part of the show where its talking about a cafe. What's so special about this cafe is that at the centre of it, is where they house about 30 over cats. Where these cats are house are open areas so there are no no odour at all. Customers of this cafe are able to view the cats in action. They also have a bulldog inside the cafe where the customers can play with him. This cafe not only allows customers to bring their pets but also to view the cafe owner cats in action. The cats have their own big different kind of houses to sleep in. This is like one of a kind.
How nice if I am able to open one like this in Singapore!! But its not allow and worst of all, its the rental that is so expensive.
Carry to dream!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Zen mind, puppy mind

NAHA, Japan - At a Zen Buddhist temple in southern Japan, even the dog prays.
Mimicking his master, priest Joei Yoshikuni, a 1 1/2-year-old black-and-white Chihuahua named Conan joins in the daily prayers at Naha's Shuri Kannondo temple, sitting up on his hind legs and putting his front paws together before the altar.
It took him only a few days to learn the motions, and now he is the talk of the town.
Pets born under the sign of Aries are bold and adventurous.
Taurus Pet Horoscope
Taurean pets have a placid nature, except when pushed to the extreme.
Gemini Pet Horoscope
Gemini pets are intelligent, entertaining, and quick to learn tricks
Cancer Pet Horoscope
Your over sensitive Cancerian pet thinks it's one of the children.
Leo Pet Horoscope
Extrovert and gregarious Leo pets need to be admired
Virgo Pet Horoscope
Virgo pets are conscientious, clean, and love to work.
Libra Pet Horoscope
A pretty pet that naturally blends in with its surroundings.
Scorpio Pet Horoscope
Scorpio pets are loyal and expect absolute loyalty in return.
Sagittarius Pet Horoscope
Brave active and bright the Sagittarian pet will always amuse us.
Capricorn Pet Horoscope
Capricorn pets look old before their time
Aquarius Pet Horoscope
If your pet is totally bonkers- it's probably an Aquarian
Pisces Pet Horoscope
Piscean pets will know if you're happy or upset
Holistic Dog Health for Your Dog
See original here: Holistic Dog Health for Your Dog
Holistic Dog Health and Your Dog
Alternative health care for dogs, such as holistic healthcare, is quickly becoming the way for owners to make sure that their beloved pets are healthy, playful, and living long, happy, full lives. In considering a dogs health,maybe nutritional needs are the most important aspects,a dogs nutritional needs are somewhat different from a humans and need a certain balance of nutrients,vitamins,and minerals to make sure everything from their digestive systems to the skeletal
Original post:Holistic Dog Health and Your Dog
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pets & Poisons
Because of your pet's small size, it cannot tolerate any beer, wine, or liquor. Large amounts of alcohol can be deadly. Do not give your pets alcohol or let them lick up spilled drinks.
Automotive Products
Many automotive products, including car cleaners, antifreeze, windshield washer fluids can be deadly to your pets. Store automotive products in tightly closed containers kept out of the reach and sight of your pets. Make sure you clean up any spills or leaks right away. When getting rid of automotive products, follow the product label directions. Do not pour products into the street or onto the grass or yard.
Chocolate can be deadly to your pets. Baking chocolate is more dangerous than semi-sweet and milk chocolate. Store all chocolate out of the reach and sight of your pets.
Raisins & Grapes
As few as seven Raisins or Grapes can kill your pet!
Keep your pets away from yards and gardens when you are using fertilizers. Your pets may get poisoned by licking their paws after walking on a newly fertilized lawn.
Flea and Tick Sprays
When you use flea and tick products, always read the product label and follow the directions carefully. If your pet begins to act strangely, stop using the product. Wash your pet off with soap and water, and call the Poison Center or your veterinarian right away. Never use products meant for dogs on your cats or products meant for your yard or house on your pets.
Household Cleaners & Chemicals
Toilet bowl cleaners, bleach, dishwashing detergents, drain cleaners, pine oils, and other cleaning products can be deadly to your pets. Keep your pets out of rooms where cleaners are being used. Your pets can easily get into cleaners left in open buckets or spilled on the floor. Make sure you clean up cleaning supplies and spills right away. Keep cleaners stored in tightly closed containers, out of the reach and sight of your pets.
Medicines and Vitamins
Medicine and vitamins meant for people may not be safe for your pets. This includes over-the-counter medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, cough or cold medicines and decongestants. Never give medicine meant for one animal to another. Always check with your veterinarian before giving your pets any medicine. Make sure you follow directions when giving your pets medicine. Keep medicines stored out of the reach and sight of your pets at all times. With their curiosity and strong teeth, dogs can easily open medicine bottles and tubes.
Pesticides are chemicals used to kill weeds, bugs, rats, mice, and other rodents. They can also kill your pets. Before you use any pesticide, read the product label and follow directions. If you use baits or powders, put them where your pets cannot find them. Keep your pets off lawns sprayed with lawn chemicals until they are completely dry. Store pesticides in tightly closed containers kept out of the reach and sight of your pets.
Plants and Mushrooms
Many indoor and outdoor plants and mushrooms are poisonous to pets. Pets, especially cats, love to chew on plants. Keep poisonous plants away from your pets! Make sure you know the names of your plants.
Just like humans, we breathe in toxin and takes in toxin everyday. But since dogs and cats is like part of our family (some of us even take them as part of our children or even brothers and sisters), shouldn't we give them a good and healthy life? At the same time, it save us a lot of veterinary fees too.
Do read out the article. Though some of the things they say are not available in Singapore but there are alternative that I can recommend to you.
Is your dog well ALL the time? Does your dog sometimes suffer from skin problems? Does your dog have allergies? Does your dog maybe have hot spots or some other skin irritation?
Does your dog lick his/her paws constantly? Annoying, isn't it? (for you, I mean - and just imagine how intensely irritating it is for your dog!).
Hopefully things haven't got this bad, but perhaps your dog has even been diagnosed with cancer, Addison's disease, Cushings disease, or Lyme disease? Perhaps your dog is chronically sick in some way, and you're constantly administering costly drugs to your dog?
Well, whether you dog's problems are intermittent and relatively minor, or chronic and major, you CAN do something to improve your dog's health in a significant way ...
Take matters into your own hands and do something worthwhile for your dog!
Toxins are the root cause of allergy symptoms which is why the conventional veterinary medical practices are to treat your dog for allergy symptoms with all sorts of steroids and other toxic and lethal chemical drugs. These drugs DO NOT SOLVE the problem as you know very very well. The worse part of all is that most of these drugs actually make the situation worse by hampering your dog's ability to absorb nutrition and suppressing the immune system.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Dog Grooming Tips
You will need plenty of patience to groom and style your dog if you plan to do it on a regular basis, especially if it does not like this type of treatment. You will need to learn a few tips, ideas, and professional hints on grooming your pet if you ever want your pet to have show quality care by you. A knowledgeable professional pet groomer will be able to give you advice on not just how to groom your dog, but on how to care for your dog as well. You
It is a good idea to start using environmentally safe and animal friendly (non-toxic) substitutes when grooming your dog. You must groom your dog's whole body including the legs, tail, and underbody if you want to do it right. You must groom from the skin outward to truly be effective in taking care of their coat of hair and keeping it healthy. Comb through the unseen healthy hair and remove the shedding hair; this is what most groomers do first before cutting your pet's coat.
You know your dog is well-mannered when it will sit still and allow you or a professional to perform regular grooming and maintenance without any fuss. The more often you groom your dog, the better he will be at receiving your attentions and responding to your commands. This will also strengthen the bond between you.
Last but not least, you might want to rethink your choice to get a dog if you are not ready to handle all the responsibility of grooming and feeding one. If you don't have the time or the desire to do it yourself, then its time to call the professionals. Your dog will love you for it, and you'll feel great about it too.
Dog Grooming: Most Frequently Asked Dog Grooming Questions & Its Answers
- When should I start grooming my dog?
Start regular grooming when you first bring your dog home and make it a part of his or her routine. Purchase a good-quality brush and comb and get your dog used to being handled. Praise your dog when he or she holds still and soon he or she will come to enjoy the extra attention. Some breeds have special grooming needs, so ask your professional groomer for advice on particular grooming equipment necessary for your particular dog. - How often should I brush my dog's hair?
Routine brushing and combing removes dead hair and dirt and prevents matting, while giving your pet a healthier and shinier coat.
Your dog's skin and hair coat reflects his or her overall health and nutritional status. Many dogs maintain a healthy skin and hair coat with minimal assistance. Some long-haired or curly-haired breeds require regular brushing every alternate days. For most dogs, a good brushing once or twice a week will do the trick. - How often should I bathe my dog?
Your dog's need for bathing depends on its breed, the skin type and hair coat. It also depends on the owner's preference and how dirty your dog gets. Bathing your dog every week isn't unreasonable, but some dogs will need more frequent cleanings. A good rule of thumb is to bathe your pet only when the coat gets dirty or begins to smell "doggy."
When bathing your dog, make sure to rinse all the soap out of the coat. If there are persistent problems with scratching or flaky skin, he or she may need a special medicated shampoo or have a skin problem that your veterinarian should examine. - What skin problems are common among dogs and what should I look for?
Skin problems - including fleas, ticks and mites or allergies and infections - are common among dogs. Most conditions are manageable with early detection and treatment. If you notice excessive scratching, hair loss or flaky skin, contact your veterinarian. If you frequent your groomer regularly, he/she will be able to notice any skin abnormal skin conditions that sometimes you don't notice. Remember that consistently poor hair coat with lots of skin flaking may indicate a deeper medical problem. - I have problems cleaning my dog's ears. What's the best way to clean his ears and how often should it be cleaned.
Ears also require cleaning, especially in dogs with oily skin or allergies. This is a delicate task and is probably best left to your groomer or vet. However, if your dog is easy to handle (and there is no chance that you will be bitten), you can learn to do this chore yourself. To remove excessive wax and debris from the ears, consider an ear cleaning every two to four weeks. Ask your groomer about products you can use at home, and be sure to ask for a demonstration of proper ear cleaning techniques. - I have problems keeping my dog still so I can trim its nails. Do you have any nail trimming advice?
While clipping nails is a painless and simple process, it takes practice and patience to master the skill. When you muster enough courage to trim the nails of your dog, you'll need a good nail clipper, a nail file to rub any sharp edge away and a styptic powder to stop any subsequent bleeding easily.
Ask your groomer to show you the correct technique, and then get started by getting your pet used to having his or her paws handled. Once you start using the clippers, go slowly. Try clipping just a few nails in one sitting. Maintain a regular schedule and be persistent. Your pet will eventually develop patience and learn to cooperate. - What is the most important thing to include in my dog grooming kit?
The most important thing required in your grooming kit is your own confidence. It will form and take shape within you and grow in time.
So, go ahead and start grooming your dog. If you can overcome your hesitation, beautiful and rewarding experiences are waiting for you. Grooming your dog properly helps to keep him or her healthy while building an important bond between you and your pet.
Dog goes for grooming, comes back dead

4 Easy Steps To Grooming Your Dog

Step 2 :
Step 3 :
Step 4 :
Using this simple system will help keep his coat looking great and maintained.
Also if you groom your dog up off the ground for instance on a table or bench, make sure that you place a mat on it so they have something to grip their paws onto. A shiny slippery surface makes dogs feel insecure and he will make your life a lot harder if he does not feel safe.
The dog must enjoy the experience with your patience and understanding seeing the process through his eyes.
Clip Information
- Teddy Bear Clip (TB)
- Lamb Clip (LMB)
- Kennel Clip (KC)
- Breed Clip (BC)
- Bath and Tidy (B&T)
- Hand Stripping (HS)
- Creative Cuts (CC)
- Teddy Bear Clip: A teddy bear clip is normally leaves the “Long and Fluffy” look. The length is normally a ½ inch or longer and completely scissored. Keep in mind that under certain circumstances a teddy bear can be adjusted in length to suit the owner’s preference and can be shortened but maintain the “long and Fluffy” look.
- Lamb Clip: A lamb clip leaves the back, neck and belly a shorter length (about 3/8” or ¼”) and the head, tail and legs are hand scissored and left neatly formed and fluffy. Again, this hair style can be left longer or shorter depending on personal preference.
- Kennel Clip: A Kennel Clip leaves the entire body one length all over leaving the Head, face and tail to scissor. Depending on your preference there are different lengths of kennel clips. Starting at about a ½” and ranging to as short as 1/16” there are even shorter but normally aren’t recommended to be used unless the dog has extreme matting and has no other alternative.
- Breed Clip: A breed clip is basically the specific hairstyle your specific purebred dog would have. Each breed would have their own style and would be either a scissored or a clipped pattern.
- Bath & Tidy: A bath and tidy is what a short coated breed would receive, A long coated breed without any standard patterns or a dog in between hair cuts. A bath and tidy consist of; A Bath, Blow dry, Nail Trim, Cleaning of the ears, Clear hair from Sanitary areas such as Groin and bum, Light trim on feet and featherings and clean up eyes and face.
- Hand Stripping: Hand stripping is used mainly for showing on specific purebred dogs, although some owners prefer the hand stripped look over the clipped look and have this preformed to their specific breeds that are not showing. Hand stripping is used with a stripping knife and shortens the hair to a breed specific pattern or style without the use of the clippers whatsoever. Scissors or thinning sheers would be used to shape the pattern edges.
- Creative Cuts: A Creative Cut is a clip that is not a standardized breed clip. This clip is really more of an extension of your groomers creative side and can entail just about anything your mind can think up. Creative cuts can be modified with colors, beads, gems, braids, or can be shaved or scissored into any non specific specialized breed clip.

Basic Dog Grooming Tips You Need To Know
Brushing will stimulate oils in your pets skin & keep it moist & healthy. Daily brushing will prevent matting of your dogs coat. Brushing is a great way to show your dog attention. Brushing eliminates dead hair in the coat that contributes to shedding.
You can walk your dog often to wear down nails. Clip your dogs nails on a regular basis. If they are cut too short they can bleed & sting. Groomers usually charge a little less than veterinarians to cut nails. It is best to clip your dog's nails every 2 to 3 weeks.

Bathe your dog regularly.
Buy dog shampoos & conditioners from pet stores. There are many different type of shampoo that can be used on different types of skin and coat. Do not use flea & tick shampoos unless your pet needs them, they can dry out your pets skin. Be sure to rinse your dog thoroughly, leaving soap on skin can cause problems.
Bathing a dog with knots & mats will worsen them, be sure to eliminate these before or immediately after the bath. When drying your dog use low heat. Dogs are sensitive to burning, keep this in mind while adjusting water temperature.
Bathing your dog will cut down on chances of infestations of fleas & ticks. By washing away dead hair, regular bathing reduces shedding of your dogs coat.
Keep your dogs ears clean.
Do this with dog ear cleaner and not with water! Put a small amount of ear cleaner on a cotton ball and swab outer surface of the inner ear. Keeping your dogs ears clean & dry will reduce chance of Ear Infections & Ear Mites. You can also buy ear wipes from any pet store to keep your dogs ears clean.
Dog groomers & veterinarians can also clean your pets ears for you. Many longhaired dogs grow hair in their ears that needs to be pulled to prevent Ear Infections. This hair can be gently pulled out with hemostats. Most people leave this to their groomer.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Shampoochie Grooming Photos
Moby is currently on Immunotherapy due to allergies. His condition is a long term treatment due to his immunity problem. We suggested to his owner using PetAlive Immunity & Liver Support, Energy Tonic and DetoxPlus. We also recommend his owners to try feeding Addiction Herb Lamb . We told his owners that he can continue to give the medication that the vet told him to as it has no side effects.
As for the skin treatments, it has to depends on Moby's condition. We suggest every 2 to 3 weeks. First treatment usually can't see much but at least this is the first step.
Moby get well soon ok. :)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
Dog Grooming Tips

Coat Grooming
All dogs have coats; some are short, long, wire-haired, curly, straight, or wavy. No matter the coat, you will need to invest in a good brush. The brush you decide upon needs to be the type that will get through your dog's hair without causing harm to skin or pull on the hair. Wire steel brushing are great to use to get loose hair before it falls on your furniture and carpet. You can also purchase wire combs, which are best for smaller breeds since they tend to be a bit smaller.
Choose the size of your brush or comb in accordance with the size of your dog. If you have a large dog, choose a larger brush that will cover more area as you brush. If you have a small dog, a smaller brush will be easier to use to get behind the ears and other small areas. Bathe your dog when he is visibly dirty or has a foul odor. Shampooing dries out a dog's coat and can rip some dog's natural oils from its hair. These natural oils protect the dog's skin and in some breeds, repel water.
Trimming Nails
The frequency of trimming your dog's nails depends on if your dog goes outdoors often especially on concrete and how fast the nails grow. If your dog runs on concrete then the nails usually file down to an appropriate length. If not, you will have to purchase some nail clippers especially designed for dogs.
When cutting, place the clipper above the wick. The wick is the part of the nail where you see the nerve. You don't want to clip the nerve because it will bleed and does cause some discomfort to the dog. Sometimes it is hard to see where the wick begins so you may have to take your dog to the vet or professional groomer for clippings.
Ear Cleaning
All dogs need to have their ears cleaned. This is because wax and dirt accumulates in them, which can lead to bacteria growth. You can usually tell when your dog needs an ear cleaning if he is shaking his head often and scratching. However, if after cleaning out his ears, your dog continues to exhibit this behavior, you need to consult with your vet because he may have an ear infection or other health concern.
Tarter Control
Yes, even dogs need their teeth cleaned. They have specially made toothbrushes for dogs that you can purchase at your local pet store. You can train your dog to sit still while you brush his teeth. Some dogs will not allow their owners to do this so you may need a professional groomer help you with this task.
Spending Quality Time
Not only will proper grooming keep your dog looking nice and healthy, but also it will allow you to have one to one time with your pet. Life can get hectic and even dogs can tell that you are busy. Time spent with your dog will keep your pooch happy and will remind you why you love your dog so very much.
Different kinds of dogs.

A Dog’s Ten Commandments
- My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful.
- Give me time to understand what you want of me.
- Place your trust in me. It is crucial for my well-being.
- Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment, but I have only you.
- Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
- Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
- Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you, and yet, I choose not to bite you.
- Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.
- Please take care of me when I grow old. You, too, will grow old.
- On the ultimate difficult journey, please go with me. Never say you can’t bear to watch. Don’t make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there, because I love you so.
Take a moment today to thank God for your pets. Enjoy and take good care of them. Life would be a much duller, less joyful experience without God’s critters.
Now please pass this on to other dog and pet owners. We do not have to wait for Heaven to be surrounded by hope, love and joyfulness. It is here on earth and has four legs!
“Until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened” –Author unknown
Dog Breeds 101

The American Kennel Club categorizes dog breeds into several different groups – sporting, hound, working, terrier, toy, non-sporting, and herding. The dogs in each group may have completely different appearances, but there are a number of character traits that they have in common. For instance dogs in the Sporting Group, such as the Labrador Retriever and the English Springer Spaniel, are energetic, often like to swim, and do well at field work or hunting.
Knowing something about a dog’s breed also gives you some information about its health. There are a number of conditions which are genetically linked to specific breeds of dogs. For example, German Shepherds are predisposed to hip dysplasia and hypothyroidism. Knowing this may help you to catch illnesses earlier. If you’re are purchasing a German Shepherd, you can ask the breeder appropriate questions about the health screenings they do.
Top 20 Supplements for Dogs & Cats
- Antioxidants
- B vitamins
- Calcium
- Chondroitin
- Colostrum - Speeds the healing process by as much as 50%.
- CoQ10
- Cranberries
- Dandelions
- Echinacea
- Enzymes
- Essential fatty acids - Fish oils, flaxseed, hemp seed oils. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, very powerful.
- Garlic - Suffers from misconceptions but is actually a very healthful herb for animals. Antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiseptic, benfits animals with cancer, diabetes, liver, heart and kidney disease, staph infections… also a natural flea repellant.
- Glandulars
- Glucosamine
- Grape seed extract - Grape seed extract is not the same as whole grapes or raisins, which are toxic to dogs. Grape seed extract contains healthy proanthocyanidins which are potent antioxidants. Also rich in linoleic acide and a good source of Vitamin E.
- Milk thistle
- Prebiotics
- Probiotics
- Selenium
- Taurine
The Un-Great Eight: Dangerous Human Foods not for a Dog’s Plate
There are certain human foods/snacks that dogs should never get their paws on. Some human foods, although tempting as tasty treats for your canine, can cause serious harm and long-term health problems. Be sure you avoid the following in your precious pooches’ human food extras.
GrapesGrapes and dogs are not a healthy combination. Although grapes are a semi-crunchy and healthy treat for humans and although your dog may enjoy them (because they are hard to squish in his mouth) grapes not only pose a choking hazard to your dog, but a serious health hazard as well. Grapes are grown with fertilizers and pesticides that can be harmful if taken in large amounts and have been known to cause renal failure. Grapes grown without chemicals have also been proven to be toxic and can cause vomiting and kidney failure. The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) Animal Poison Control Center held a study that showed grape intake causes acute kidney failure, which prevents your dog from producing urine since they can’t filer toxins out.
Dogs and chocolate don’t mix. Chocolate is poisonous to your dog (and cat, too) because it contains theobromine, a naturally occurring stimulant. If a dog eats enough chocolate, its heart can beat so fast that it ceases to pump blood effectively (tachycardia).This is largely a dosage issue and the effects can vary based on the size of your dog and the amount of chocolate, according to petcaretips.net.
Bones from chicken, steak, etc
So many pet owners love to give the dog a taste sensation – the bones from steak, chicken and other meats. Cooked bones, however, are very dangerous for your dog. The cooked bone may splinter after ingested and can cause your dog to choke. The splintered bones can also poke your dog’s esophagus, stomach and intestines during digestion and excretion. Sometimes the splintered bone may not be digested at all once it has entered the body.
Undercooked Meat
Undercooked meat poses the same risk to dogs as it does to humans. A very bad food for dogs, undercooked meat has bacteria that can cause salmonella and other nasty food poisoning bouts. DogAge.com also advises against feeding your dog raw meat because of the risk of cysts that might be present in the meat.
Meat Table Scraps
When humans cut away the fatty parts of their steak or chicken, they are often inclined to hand it directly under the table to the dog. This is more dangerous than most pet owners know. Meat, which is generally high in fat, can cause pancreatitis and gastroenteritis. Big words that carry big problems. These are both potentially fatal conditions. Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can result in loss of appetite, frequent vomiting, diarrhea that may contain blood, weakness and abdominal pain. Gastroenteritis is an inflammation of the stomach and intestinal linings and has similar symptoms. These cases often require hospitalization and fluid replacement.
Onions and Garlic
Onions and garlic are other bad foods for dogs as they contain the toxic ingredient thiosulphate. Hard to diagnose, poisoning occurs a few days after your dog has eaten the onion. Dogs affected by onion toxicity will first vomit and have diarrhea. They will refuse to eat and appear lethargic. During this time, according to bossiercity.org, the dog may be developing haemolytic anaemia, a condition that causes the red blood cells to burst while circulating in the body. All forms of onion can be a problem including dehydrated onions, raw onions, cooked onions and table scraps containing cooked onions and/or garlic. The toxins will usually pass through the dog’s system but he/she may need a blood transfusion before that happens. The scariest part of this? Onion poisoning can occur with a single ingestion (of a large quantity).
Macadamia Nuts and Walnuts
Feeding your dog human food in the form of Macadamia is also disconcerting. There is somewhat of a mystery surrounding the exact toxic component that causes poisoning, but it is known that ingesting them can cause locomotory difficulties. According to BossierCity.org, dogs develop a tremor of the skeletal muscles, and weakness or paralysis of the hindquarters. Affected dogs are often unable to rise and are distressed, usually panting. Some affected dogs have swollen limbs and show pain when the limbs are manipulated. Dogs have been affected by eating as few as six macadamia kernels (nuts without the shell) while others had eaten approximately forty kernels. Some dogs had also been given macadamia butter.
Moldy and Spoiled Food
Some of us humans may have a tendency to throw a spoiled lunchmeat or cheese into the dog’s dinner instead of in the trash. Stop right there! Spoiled food is no better for dogs than it is for humans. Spoiled foods can cause food poisoning, which causes vomiting and diarrhea. Mold contains the toxin Penicillin, which causes severe tremors and seizures. Your dog must be detoxified at the vet for this condition.
Miniature dog breeds- pros and cons of owning toy breeds

The term Miniature generally refers to what many dog breeders call “toy dog breeds”. Miniature dogs are very small dogs. There are pros and cons of owning these toy dog breeds that you should consider before adopting a toy dog breed.
Advantages of owning miniature dog breeds
The main reason people prefer miniature dog breeds over larger breeds is for its cuteness. Don’t think that its size makes these dogs less hardy for once they pass their puppy hood, they have energy that is similar to any other breed of dog. They make excellent watch dogs for their hue and cry is sufficient to make any intruder think twice before making a break-in.
The easier handling of a miniature dog breed is another reason people take to these dogs. If you live in an apartment, a miniature dog is the best option you have as a pet and partner for you. This is because these dogs don’t need much dwelling space, or as much exercise space as a large dog may require.
You don’t have much cleaning to do with a miniature dog as it does not shed as much hair as their larger counterparts do. This is not because their coat characteristics are different, but just because they are smaller in size and thus have less fur. All aspects of dog care are smaller in miniature dogs ranging from its cleaning, to its clean-up and from the amount of food it consumes and the amount of food it expels.
Disadvantages of owning miniature dog breeds
The main disadvantage is that most small breeds don’t actually interact well with young children and toddlers. This means that you have to be extra careful of these dogs if you have small children in your home as the kids may get injured by the dog. Because of their small size, many miniature dog breeds are very nippy.
There are some miniature dog breeds that are prone to tooth and gum disease, and tracheal collapse. Then there are small breeds that are difficult to housetrain while some of them may have trouble lifting their legs. There are even some dogs that have tenancies to bark constantly.
Before selecting a toy dog breed based solely on it’s cute appearance, make sure you do your research on the breeds health and temperament.
IAMS Animal Cruelty FINALLY Proved
“The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released an official complaint stating that the contract laboratory investigated by PETA in 2002 and 2003, which was employed by pet-food manufacturer Iams, “has shown a lack of good faith.”The government complaint alleges that the following violations, among others, were documented by government inspectors at the contract laboratory from 2002 to 2005:
- Failure to provide pain relief to sheep used in experiments that caused pain or distress
- Failure to ensure that personnel were trained to perform experiments on animals
- Failure to provide veterinary care and to observe animals daily
- Failure to properly ventilate housing facilities for dogs and cats
- Failure to house cats with a sufficient number of litterboxes and resting surfaces
- Failure to keep animal-housing facilities clean and in good repair, resulting in injuries
- Failure to maintain comfortable temperatures in animal-housing facilities
- Failure to provide animals with sufficient space”
Click here for the full statement.
Yeah - I’m not a big fan of PETA AT ALL, but I have to admit that they got the IAMS animal cruelty thing right WAY before anyone else did.