Grooming your dog should be a regular routine. It's great practice for you and it also helps your dog get used to being brushed, stroked and handled. Remember grooming your dog starts as soon as it is born by the mother, the only difference is you do not have to use your tongue (no fur balls).

We should start by using a soft brush and covering only small areas at a time with short gentle strokes just to get him use to the sensation against his skin. As the dog stands in a relaxed manner accepting the whole process, give him plenty of treats and praise and he will relate grooming as a positive experience.
Ok... well we better get into these 4 simple steps, you can use to groom your dog.
Step 1 :
Your dog should be in a standing position in a relaxed comfortable state - gently place your hand on his chest to steady him. Being grooming with the rake, using long even strokes. This prevents matting and is very good for his undercoat.
Step 2 :
A fine-toothed comb is very useful for checking to make sure that your dogs coat is free of ticks and fleas. Do this by running the comb through his coat then holding it against a white piece of paper if you see any gritty bits of muck it may be signs of flea dirt.
Step 3 :
Next use a brush to condition your dogs skin and coat .This promotes hair growth by stimulating blood flow to the skin, ensuring that the dogs coat is full and healthy.
Step 4 :
Our last step is to finish him with a grooming glove which will remove any remaining old or dead hair and make him shine in the sunlight leaving him with a well groomed maintained coat.
Using this simple system will help keep his coat looking great and maintained.
When grooming your dog do not let him play with the brush or other grooming tools as this can become established behaviour that could be a future problem so do not let it start in the first place. If he is a playful fellow give him a toy to play with but, only if necessary while you groom him.
Also if you groom your dog up off the ground for instance on a table or bench, make sure that you place a mat on it so they have something to grip their paws onto. A shiny slippery surface makes dogs feel insecure and he will make your life a lot harder if he does not feel safe.
Also if you groom your dog up off the ground for instance on a table or bench, make sure that you place a mat on it so they have something to grip their paws onto. A shiny slippery surface makes dogs feel insecure and he will make your life a lot harder if he does not feel safe.
Remember grooming your dog can be lots of fun that the whole family can get involved with. But there is one very important rule that must be followed.
The dog must enjoy the experience with your patience and understanding seeing the process through his eyes.
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