About Shampoochie Pet Salon - Holistic Pet Centre

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We strongly believe that our pets should be treated with the same respect for natural living that we give ourselves. A holistic approach to health care for dogs and cats is important for them to live life to its fullest, and for us to get the most out of their company. Call us at 91003489

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Holistic : definition

I know many of you spend a lot of money to buy a dog or a cat. Many of you treat them as part of your family members. Many of you also treat them like your own kids. But are you giving the right stuffs to your "member"? They need correct food, vitamins, supplements, tonic, grooming, and exercise.

Shampoochie Pet Salon is all about your pet's health in a Natural & Holistic manner!We don't treat your pet. But we know what to give your pet to make them healthier and enjoy life with u longer. Here is a definition of what Holistic meant.

Holistic : definition

hol.lis.tic 1. Pertaining to the theory that whole entities are more than the sum of their parts. 2. Of or using that consider one's total state, mind, body and spirit in the treatment of disease.
How does the word holistic apply to medicine? The Canadian Holistic Medical Association defines Holistic Medicine this way:

Holistic medicine is a system of health care which fosters a cooperative relationship among all those involved, leading towards optimal attainment of the physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual aspects of health.

It emphasizes the need to look at the whole person (dogs in our case), including analysis of physical, nutritional, environmental, emotional, social, spiritual and lifestyle values. It encompasses all stated modalities of diagnosis and treatment including drugs and surgery if no safe alternative exists. Holistic medicine focuses on education and responsibility for personal efforts to achieve balance and well being.

Holistic medicine is more popular than ever. Many people are fed up with the failures of conventional medicine and the dangers of modern drugs. They have begun to look elsewhere for health and healing. More and more people are discovering the benefits of holistic medicine and are now starting to consider these same benefits for their pets. What's making the difference? Why are pets that are treated holistically reaching new heights of wellness where conventional medicine has failed them? Seemingly chronic health problems and incurable diseases from the conventional perspective are now being cured by holistic methods. Consider these key points:
Conventional medicine sees a dog as a collection of parts - a heart, a liver, a kidney. Holistic medicine sees a whole dog, with a body, mind and spirit.

Conventional medicine tends to rely on drugs for better health. Holistic medicine relies on proper nutrition to boost the bodies own natural resistance to disease. The focus is on stimulating the body's natural ability to heal itself.

Conventional medicine focuses on treating symptoms. This may offer a quick fix but it does nothing to address or affect the underlying problem. When symptoms are suppressed and the real problem is not addressed the disease may actually emerge again later in the same form or worse yet in a more debilitating manner. Holistic treatments focus on the whole individual. It sees a disease as the body's way of manifesting an imbalance and the only way to regain balance is to address the entire individual. The aim of holistic medicine is to nourish the body, mind, spirit and its natural tendency for health. Instead of the quick fix, the body will experience a more permanent improvement while always moving towards a higher state of health. Conventional medicine often involves some type of drug therapy that tends to create side effects which can undermine overall health. Holistic medicine offers natural remedies that the body can more easily accept therefore not creating harmful side effects.

Conventional medicine will attempt to fight off disease once it occurs. Treatment is sought only after an illness manifests. There is no emphasis on preventative treatment. A holistic approach will aim to support overall health in order to prevent a disease from developing in the first place.
Conventional medicine is very rigid in its diagnosis and treatments. There is little room if any for alternative approaches. In the true spirit of holistic medicine any and all avenues of treatment will be considered when determining the best approach for an individual patient. Therefore, holistic medicine does not exclude conventional treatments such as surgery if no safe alternative exists.

Holistic care for animals is on the rise. We may not have been taught holistic principles or raised with them, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't adopt them if they provide our pets with a healthier life. We shouldn't let tradition or fear determine our choices. We have been taught by the current medical establishment that we have no control over our healthcare decisions. Don't believe it. You do have choices and when faced with the choice of preventing a disease or treating a disease which would you choose? Taking a holistic approach means being responsible and proactive. It means becoming an active participant in your dog's healthcare. You do that by gathering the necessary information to make an informed decision as to which form of treatment will potentially work best for your pet. This may be uncomfortable for you at first but you'll be surprised and grateful for the results you'll achieve.

So, get off the sidelines and into the game. Your dog is counting on you. They are an important part of your family so take that first step towards protecting them by educating yourself about their healthcare. You absolutely have a choice in their treatment and you can and should ask questions. The decisions you make everyday do decide the quality of your dog's life. I can only offer you my experience in that I stepped out of my comfort zone because I wanted the best for my dog. I've watched a very frail, old dog become spirited and energetic again. I've received more than I could have ever hoped for and now I want the same for you.

P.S. If you have any enquiries, please to not hesistate to look for us at 18 Pasir Ris Farmway 2, or you can look for a holistically trained vet to help you to strengthen your pet health and stay away from all diseases!


Lol ... I forget something ...

This is the herbal tonic tat I am giving my pets and introduce to my clients who trust in me. Still I must thank to Nelson Chua and Jenny who allows me to sell and use my knowledge to help the pets or the owner in need.

Now I am helping a customer and one of her daschund who has salivary gland cancer. I did not go to my customer place to take pictures this time round cuz its rather far for me as I do not drive. Will update more about this poor fellow next week when I catch up with his owner to see how he is doing.

By the way, I am not a veterinarian. Just something that I have learn all these years and now finally applying to our pets with great results. PetAlive products is not a medication. Therefore, does not need vet's prescription. But as always, if you have any quiries, you can always ask the vet you trust for opinion or if not I am sure I be able to help you. Thanks for trusting in me and PetAlive.

These are just some of the wonderful product that I introduce to my customer. There are still a lot of others that can greatly benefit your pets whether they are right now in good health or in bad health.

If you guys have any questions on how this product can help your pet, do give me a call or make a trip down to my salon. Will try my best to help you in whatever way I can for your pet's optimum health.

Using Pet Alive Herbal Tonic to save pets

Thanks to Nelson Chua who let me have the privilege to market this product - PetAlive.

I know there are many people who might not believe my testimony or might not even believe in herbal products for pets. But I do believe and I do want to spread it out to all pet owners to consider giving your pets some quality products to enhance your pets health and live longer. I am sure you do not want to keep bringing your pet to the vet and spend a lot of money. SO why not listen to what I have to say about this product. Prevention is better than cure! I am sure many of you know this.

I had the pleasure of looking after a golden who has a past records of Tick Fever. He has the relapse a month ago. Has done the blood transfusion but somehow the virus just strike him back again. This time round he was super weak. Maybe almost dying.

I introduce the owner PetAlive Immunity and Liver Support and PetAlive Energy Tonic together with some others things that I recommend to the owner to give to this golden. Of course, I told the owner that he can continue to give the vet's medications to this poor golden as PetAlive Tonic does not clash with the conventional medicine.

I was there in the morning, and evening time, the owner called me up and said his golden is finally eating and looks like very hungry. Told the owner to give his golden eat as much as he wants but slowly. His owner was shocked!

2nd Day i was there and was shock to see this poor golden greet me with his tail and trying to force himself to sit up. Daniel and I was so delighted and almost shed tears of joy.

Looks how happily this golden is trying to take food from Daniel. Lol ..

This is how the golden is now .. running and walking everywhere ..

and eating on its own ...

My life and thoughts as a Pet Groomer

I thought I would share more about myself now while posting more about my salon and begin posting regular blogs on Natural Grooming and Wellness.

When I became a groomer, I knew there would be things I would have to work with that I did not want to see such as grooming neglect by owners, mange, fleas, ticks, and badly behaved dogs / cats. I never did fully prepare myself for the extremes. Since I work at a pet grooming salon cum school, you get all walks of life as clients. Some very good clients that cares deeply about their pets, some who want show standard cuts for cheaper prices, low income families who cannot afford professional salon prices, and the ones who just don't see the point of grooming as important; but will come once in a blue moon anyway. I find myself on almost a daily basis encountering problems that astounds me to the fact that I have the rare ability to handle it. Some of which I have seen people vomit over. I guess this is why I make a good profession as a pet groomer. But I often wonder if I would ever make a great vet or vet tech.

The reason I wonder is because I have seen some very bad cases of neglect or abuse in the grooming shop that could make some serious cases if we had a stronger legal system to protect animals. Dogs that come in with burns that should be treated with veterinary care, serious skin infections that scab and create holes in the skin, ears so badly infected that the animal is practically deaf, infected and ruptured anal glands, etc. What kills me is that when I do see these things, some of the owners will not treat the animal with veterinary care. Its a miracle that they are paying for a grooming, let alone a cheap grooming at a grooming school. As long as they provide food, water and shelter, there is little that can be done. Its these very issues that have led me to change my way of grooming. Now when I was out working the upscale salon environment, these cases were far and few if any, and the clients payed for services that isn't easily obtained at a average shop. More specialty skills such as handstripping, contour hand scissoring, and stylish cuts were performed.

Since you know some of these owners will not treat the animal at the vet, the groomer is about the only one that can provide any relief or hope to change external skin conditions of the dog. Hence, holistic dog grooming became my every day. Since I am not a vet or vet tech, I must be very careful as to not treat any animal, but I most definitely can change my products to work for me and not against the dog, and it works. Unfortunately, I can't help every dog as regular grooming is needed for changes to occur and not everyone will come on a regular basis.

My method of holistic grooming has seemed to show reversed signs of skin irritations, less prevalent skin allergies, infected ears, and even a better behaved dog on the table. I don't believe in the factory line of grooming and prefer to work one on one if possible. But even in a room full of loud dryers, barking dogs, and people walking by as is in a school environment, I believe that I have better learned how to have the pet I am working with plug in and connect with me as if we were the only ones there in the room. This is when I realized I had the gift to understand animals in a communicative way with intuition. But none of this is achieved without 2 major connections. Unconditional love must be present and felt, and secondly comes respect that naturally follows after love.

Now I am not saying I am a perfect groomer and my success rate is perfect. But honestly, I can say its pretty good. Yes I have been snapped at, growled at and bitten a few times. All were for different reasons under different situations which we can expand more on that in another time. Overall though, I do have the ability to work with most dogs that are not easily approachable by most groomers and that have been labeled "aggressive", "will bite" or "muzzle for nails". I feel each dog, like people, have a individual personality that must be addressed as such. What works for one, will not work for all. Some dogs will never get used to your way of touching as others have. To some dogs, its very invasive and private to them. Canine insecurities pop out of the woodwork when your hands touch every part of their body on the grooming table. Most groomers probably wouldn't believe dogs can feel that way. But nonetheless, new methods of approaching and grooming must be used.

I have met groomers that get stuck on what they know and when they get a dog that conflicts with what they know they force their will upon them to get the job done. I call this ignorance. I have also met groomers who knows nothing about health & nutrition or a fair little wee bit to educate customers to care for their pet in a natural, healthier way.

Groomers need to at least get a basic understanding of animal behavior in my opinion before they pass a grooming course. Not enough educational time is spent on this topic unless your training to become a dog trainer. What a lot of people don't always understand is that when you touch an animal, it must be done so with respect. If you play rough with a dog, expect them to reciprocate that action. If you have a gentle touch within your energy that flows with their body's life force your motives will be exposed and most likely you and your dog can arrange a happy compromise to get the work done.

It is my hope that through out my blogs and even my future company website you will get to know and learn the bits and pieces of my own energy that I use for the animals that brings such harmony on a grooming table. No matter what type of background the dog came from. The need for more self awareness of self to create your own energetic life force. But these things take time, I did not achieve to where I am today overnight. I read and study my little butt off, always wanting to learn more. I attend as many pet related seminars as I can grooming and non-grooming related. My schooling never stops, and I am always aiming for higher wisdom. My goal is to help as many animals and animal lovers as I can with the skills and knowledge I presently have. I don't know where I am going exactly in my animal career down the line, but it doesn't really matter as long as I keep doing what is important to me. That is helping others understand and acknowledge a spiritual bond between people and animals with a longevity of health and wellness. The more I keep learning myself now, the more animals I can help tomorrow.

At least right now I have helped quite a big number of pet owners using natural and holistic therapies on their pets and a lot of pets recover even though I am not a vet. This is which has given me the energy to move forward when the owner are happy and the pet is not frustrated anymore with their own conditions.

Shampoochie Pet Salon - Holistic Pet Centre

Hello all you dog cat lovers out there! Its 31st August 2008 and we have finally decided to do up a blog for Shampoochie Pet Salon. If you're wondering who we are, check us out at 18 Pasir Ris Farmway 2. We are just inside Ericsson Pet Farm.

From my past experience of blogs, I can honestly say I have not been a fan of them. I can’t understand why people have them. I can’t understand why people read them. And I can’t understand why businesses would want to include them in their websites!

But, I have decided that it is now time to change the world as we know it. I will create not only the most unique Blog in the world, it will also be the most creative, funny and yet, informative Pet Blog ever achieved in existence!

I am Bryan, the owner, and you can find out about me here in my profile where you'll find a picture of me with 4 of my favorite pet whom I call "my children", Boyboy - a Chihuahua, Sugar - a Chihuahua, Zhuzhu - a half blind Shih Tzu, Doodoo - a Miniature Poodle.

This blog is open to any appropriate, tasteful comments about dogs and cats and their people. We're interested in personal stories, homage to individual pups and kitten, questions about dog and cat care, info about dog services and resources... and whatever else you can think of. We also like pictures of pets and their people.

Shampoochie Pet Salon is a holistic pet grooming salon dedicated to the special needs of your pet. Our philosophy is that your pet is an individual, meaning that each and everyone pup/kitten is different, with their own personality and special needs. Here at Shampoochie we aim to provide top quality grooming and styling services, but also prefer to consider the "whole dog/cat", which means looking beyond the fur and hair. In doing this we can not stress the importance of building a relationship with you as a client and your pet in safe and comfortable environment.

When signing up for your grooming session, we commonly try to gather as much pertinent information about your pet as we can, diet, behavior/temperament, medical issues or concerns, and so on. Obtaining and understanding these issues does require more than a one shot grooming experience, as time is the key to understanding and building trust with people and pets alike. The more we know the better we are able to form a whole “picture”of your pet, which enables us to make recommendations and better understand any skin/coat, health or behavioral issues that may require professional veterinary, nutritional or behavioral consultation. We emphasize the importance of you providing us a contact number where you can be reached if we have any questions about your pet during grooming. Finally, we encourage your feedback, so that we can serve both you and your furry family members to the highest possible standard.

When grooming your pet, we strive for a look that is both natural and elegant. We prefer to keep dogs looking as as cute as possible, suited to your wishes, your lifestyle, and if preferred by you, as close to breed standard as is possible. We offer services such as hand stripping, carding and coat restoration (restoring a coat whose color and texture has been damaged due to close clipping or shaving), in addition to hand scissoring. We offer a variety of services, some still under development for the truly “spa-esque” pet. For those wishing a customized look for their pet, we will do the best to work to your specifications, however please understand that we sometimes have no choice with what we can or must do to work safely and to make your pet comfortable, but do understand that our best work comes “from the heart”, and for the love of pets when we are styling.

Shampoochie Pet Salon is the new pet salon in town and has finally come to fruition. It has stemmed from a lifelong passion for dogs and cats, balance, natural healing and communication techniques for animals. We work closely with other pet professionals in the holistic pet sphere-- including trainers, pet product suppliers and nutritional consultants, and will be adding their links to our site as soon as we can or carrying their contact information in our shop. We look forward to working closely with them on recommendations for your pet’s health and lifestyle.

Shampoochie Pet Salon welcomes you and looks forward to growing with you!