About Shampoochie Pet Salon - Holistic Pet Centre

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We strongly believe that our pets should be treated with the same respect for natural living that we give ourselves. A holistic approach to health care for dogs and cats is important for them to live life to its fullest, and for us to get the most out of their company. Call us at 91003489

Monday, September 8, 2008

IAMS Animal Cruelty FINALLY Proved

The United States Department of Agriculture today release this statement about IAMS animal testing:

“The U.S. Department of Agriculture has released an official complaint stating that the contract laboratory investigated by PETA in 2002 and 2003, which was employed by pet-food manufacturer Iams, “has shown a lack of good faith.”The government complaint alleges that the following violations, among others, were documented by government inspectors at the contract laboratory from 2002 to 2005:

  1. Failure to provide pain relief to sheep used in experiments that caused pain or distress
  2. Failure to ensure that personnel were trained to perform experiments on animals
  3. Failure to provide veterinary care and to observe animals daily
  4. Failure to properly ventilate housing facilities for dogs and cats
  5. Failure to house cats with a sufficient number of litterboxes and resting surfaces
  6. Failure to keep animal-housing facilities clean and in good repair, resulting in injuries
  7. Failure to maintain comfortable temperatures in animal-housing facilities
  8. Failure to provide animals with sufficient space”

Click here for the full statement.

Yeah - I’m not a big fan of PETA AT ALL, but I have to admit that they got the IAMS animal cruelty thing right WAY before anyone else did.

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